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Jesus Christ is Lord!!!

This should be all we need to say! But since the devil has caused so much confusion among believers, and polluted and diluted much of the church, we will elaborate more below to clarify.


Jesus is the only way

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and NONE come to the Father except through Him! This means every other religion that says there is a different way to please God and go to heaven is a false religion, and a tool of Satan sending people to hell.


Jesus is the Son of God, and also God Himself in the flesh

Jesus is the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He existed outside of time with God the Father and the Holy Spirit as The Word, but chose to put on flesh as a man in order to pay the perfect sacrifice with His perfect blood to redeem mankind from sin. He was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and His physical body was raised to life on the third day. He spent some time visiting people and preaching, showing His resurrected body before He ascended up into the sky, and now He sits at the right hand of the throne of the Father. He will come back soon in like manner, from the sky above us. EVERY eye will see Him, and EVERY knee will bow.


The name above every name is Jesus Christ

The name of Jesus Christ is higher than any other name. We're not persuaded to use another name. We put our trust in the name and the blood of JESUS CHRIST. We've seen demons flee and sicknesses healed in the name of JESUS, so we will continue to praise, exalt, and magnify the name of JESUS CHRIST!!!


The Bible is perfect

The Bible is the holy, perfect, inerrant, inspired Word of God. All scripture is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness. This means every single word in the Bible from the beginning of Genesis through the end of Revelation is important. We are instructed to study the whole Bible. We believe that the Bible should be read and interpreted literally, except when it's obvious otherwise (i.e. Jesus teaching using parables, or a prophesy that is obviously shrouded in mystery). Faith comes by hearing and by hearing the Word of God, but your faith becomes active and powerful when you actually believe the words you read and hear to be real, literal, and true. 


We study and preach from the King James Version of the Bible

We believe the King James Bible is the most accurate and helpful version of the Bible. Most of the other versions of the Bible have thousands of significant changes in the text. Almost invariably the changes remove words and reword the text in such a way as to decrease from the absolute deity of Jesus. Most of them might seem small at first, until you start looking at the cumulative effects of these changes. Man cannot decrease the power of the gospel, but men have unfortunately been able to hide some of the depth of truth found in the Bible through these other versions, and some have even removed text entirely that points to the power of the New Testament Church to cast out demons and heal people. This is tragic and unacceptable! We know it can be hard and a little confusing at first to read the older English, but hey it makes you smarter to learn what is almost a second language at this point, so lean in! Focus! Learn the full depth of The Word as He intended to give it to us, before the corrupted Alexandrian texts became more common and accepted by most. We will not be a church who has a form of godliness but denies the power thereof! Deep calls to deep, and we are able to go much deeper into truth using the KJV. This doesn't mean we think someone can't be saved by reading another version, but we do think the depth of truth found in the KJV (over all of the other versions) helps to strengthen our faith to a greater level, such that we are better prepared to stand in these last days.


There is great value found in studying the original Greek and Hebrew

As much as we love the KJV, it is still a translation. Most of the Old Testament was written in Hebrew, and the New Testament in Greek. There are many times where looking into the original Hebrew or Greek word provides a radically different understanding, by providing us even greater depth and clarity. One of the biggest pieces of understanding that has been lost to most of the modern church is an understanding of verb tenses. For example, "Seek and ye shall find" becomes much more impactful and better sets our expectations when we understand that the word "seek" means to seek and keep seeking both now and continuously into the future without stopping until you find. There are tons of examples where a clear understanding of the verb tense radically changes our understanding of the text. This lost understanding has led to some confusion in most denominations that unfortunately leaves them with an incomplete understanding of the gospel, and the requirement of repentance for salvation. There are many other applications, other than just verb tense clarification, where a study into the Greek and Hebrew is helpful for removing ignorance from the church. We make it a point to include Greek and Hebrew analysis of Bible text often in our teachings. One major place this type of study is revolutionary is in understanding the real, full truth behind the Creation account given to us in the Bible.   


The Bible describes Creation accurately

There is a difference between real science (that which is observable, testable, and repeatable), and the false religion of scientism that hides behind theories presented as facts through dishonest manipulations with mathematics based on false assumptions. True science always confirms the Bible to be true. The Bible does not describe an ever-expanding "universe" that began trillions of years ago, nor does it describe our world as a wobbly, spinning, rotating, orbiting ball covered in water. The Bible says our world is fixed and immovable, set on pillars, spread out flat like clay pressed under a signet ring, with a solid "firmament" dome above us, separating the waters above from the waters below, and that God's throne sits on the firmament above the North Pole, where He watches everything we do. The earth is His footstool, and He is very close to us, not billions of "light-years" away in some far off "galaxy". There's way too much to unpack here, but stick around for some teachings and we will expose Satan's lies and the deceptions perpetuated on mankind by Nazi institutions like NASA (which interestingly means "to deceive" in Hebrew). This false "globe" narrative has created countless atheists, and further sets up the great end time deception, when the Nephilim will return claiming to be "aliens" who seeded us. Yep, it's about to get weird y'all! But exposing these lies ahead of time helps us to prepare our hearts, so that as the days get darker, our hearts will not fail us for fear, as will sadly be the case for many others. The truth of God's creation is found in countless scripture references, and is easily, plainly, and practically proven through the application of physics, and honest sight-distance and movement testing with the scientific method. There's even a plethora of de-classified documents from the CIA through the freedom of information act that confirm the validity of the Bible in regards to God's true creation. Understanding the truth about God's creation helps us to read the Bible literally, helps our faith to come alive in a deeper way, and begins to awaken the courage needed to really do all to stand in the last days.


There was an Old Covenant, and there is a New Covenant

There is so much beauty, depth, and rich history shared in the Old Testament, those who fail to study and revere the Old Testament are terribly foolish. The Old Testament gives us the Creation account, explains the fall of man and the entrance of sin, exposes are enemies the fallen angels, demons, and that old serpent the devil so we know who is to blame for all of the suffering we endure, and gives us the history of God's chosen people and their rebellion into idolatry. It gives us the law of Moses so that we understand how far from righteousness and holiness we really are on our own, and gives us tons of prophesies about the first and second coming of the messiah. We have to study the Old Testament to fully understand the New Testament. But there is a movement today (which has really been around since the true Church began) of people who don't understand the New Covenant/ Contract we are under now. In the Old Testament, the children of God were given a set of 613 laws through Moses. Any transgression of even a single law produced terrible curse and punishment for God's people, and they sinned and broke the law constantly, so they were in a constant state of needing to sacrifice an animal to atone for their sins. Blood had to be shed. When Jesus came, He fulfilled the law perfectly, and He became the perfect sacrifice for all of mankind. We will discuss the Gospel in greater detail in our next paragraph. But when Jesus paid the price for our sins, we were given a new contract which was harder in some regards, and easier in others than the former contract. We're no longer bound to keep all 613 of the Old Covenant laws. There are people who try to keep some of them, while acknowledging that they don't keep them all. We don't do that. As a New Testament believer in Jesus Christ, you have the freedom to celebrate one of the old feasts in remembrance if you want, but unfortunately, many who start practicing Old Testament habits begin to seek some degree of a sense of self-righteousness from their actions, and they begin to judge others and condemn them for not keeping the mosaic law. Then when they don't keep the full 613 (because nobody can), they become guilty of the whole law by not keeping the whole thing and they make the sacrifice of Jesus of none effect in their lives. It's a terrible trap from Satan that targets many very sincere believers. We do still have some laws to keep in the New Testament, and we will continue to teach on them in great detail, but for the purpose of our little "We Believe" section here, we wanted to inform you that we are a true New Testament church who is saved by Grace through Faith, not keeping Torah, that none should boast. 


The Gospel of Jesus Christ

We are definitely not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believeth! God loved us so much, that He sent His one and only son to live a sinless life so that He could be the perfect atoning sacrifice for our sins. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect sinless life, and was murdered on a cross so that the blood of God Almighty could cover us, redeem us, and wash us white as snow. Every man, woman, boy, and girl has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Without the blood of Jesus we would be hopelessly doomed when we stand before God Almighty in judgment. Based on our sinful life and our works of the flesh, we all deserve to be separated from God for all of eternity. But He is merciful! He made a way for us to be redeemed! In order for us to accept this free gift of salvation, we have to first acknowledge that Jesus is who He says He is. Anything less than a full acknowledgement that Jesus is God in the flesh won't do. Then we have to truly repent of our sins (hate our sins and do our imperfect best to resist temptation and avoid sin), and commit to making Jesus Lord of our life. This isn't fire insurance where you pray a half hearted prayer saying you believe that He is the son of God and that you accept His death as payment for your sins. He is supposed to be your Lord and Master! We are His bride and He is our husbandman! He is our good Father and deserves all of our admiration and affection. He has to be your treasure! You have to acknowledge Him before other people. There can be no place in your heart that loves any person or thing more than Him, or you have an idol! When you truly understand the depth of your depravity, and the beauty of the free gift of salvation, you ask Him to come inside you and to make a dwelling inside you, and you commit to doing His will for your life, He will touch you and confirm for you in your spirit that you are truly born again! He lives in us! Fruits of the spirit begin to manifest from you; love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance grow from you and become evident in your life! Most churches will have some sort of statement of faith saying they believe Jesus is their ticket to heaven, but very few mention the condition of repentance or the true depth of commitment and admiration He desires from you in your heart. It's not about works, but it is about your heart. No believer will ever live a sinless life.  But you cannot use the blood of Jesus as some sort of free pass to sin habitually, or you are on track to one day hear, "depart from me, I never knew you". You cannot be lukewarm and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. You need to be on FIRE for Jesus!! We will do our best to cover you with prayer and sound teaching to encourage you to find true faith and a love for your savior that is bigger than any temptation this world can offer. When you truly encounter Him, it's totally natural! But He won't force Himself on you! You have to seek and keep seeking until you find Him, and sincerely and humbly ask Him to forgive you and to make you new through the power of His perfect shed blood, such that there is a renewing of your heart and mind, as a truly born again new creation in Jesus Christ. 


The Doctrine of Baptisms

Plural, meaning there are more than one! We believe in water baptism as a public demonstration of faith after you are truly born again, but is that where baptism ends? No! There is still the baptism of the Holy Ghost for those who believe and ask for it. We'll continue to teach on the baptism of the Holy Ghost, because like the early church we all need to be endued with power from on high! We will not be a group of believers who have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof! We read the Bible plainly and believe sincerely that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is just as available to us today as it was to the 1st century disciples. The baptism of the Holy Ghost unlocks the power of the spiritual gifts in believers. It is helpful in evangelism, and will be absolutely necessary to navigate the world in these last days as deceptions increase and days worse than any the world has ever seen come upon us. 


Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual gifts never ceased! The gifts of the spirit that are distributed severally as the Lord wills are: a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge, faith, healing, the working of miracles, prophesy, the discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues, with the gift of tongues being initially evident. If you already have faith for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and these spiritual gifts, then praise God! If not, you better brace yourself because your faith is about to get a whole lot more real! These gifts will be the only way any of us persist during the end of days. They also help us to do God's will and serve people in the meantime. 



Jesus said deliverance from devils/ demons is the children's bread! Meaning freedom from evil spirits is a nourishing gift from the best Father to His children! Most churches won't touch the topic of deliverance with a 10 foot pole, and many who do, blaspheme the word of God in their ignorance. The ministry of Jesus consisted of teaching, yes, but also of casting unclean spirits out of people and healing them! Then, He told His disciples to go out and do the same! This is another major failure of most modern churches. Many of the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual issues people face are caused directly by demons. True Christians have authority over demons in Jesus' name, by the power of His name and His blood, but this authority largely goes unexercised by most of the church! The result is most Christians live their lives like punching bags for the enemy, just taking attack after attack. This ministry fights back! This ministry teaches the sincere Christian how to fight back too. It is entirely possible for a born-again Christian to have a demon or several demons following them around and harassing them, and yes sometimes it is even possible for the demons to make it inside a person, Christian or not, if extreme habitual sin or major trauma has been present. Most people don't need counseling or medication, they need the demon cast out of them in Jesus' name!


Decently and in order

We've just mentioned three different areas that most of the "church" today ignore: the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, Spiritual Gifts, and Deliverance from Demons. It's truly tragic that most pastors are asleep at the wheel on these topics. This is an error or a ditch on the side of the road to truth that some fall into. After visiting ~100 churches, what we have found is, out of the very few churches who actually do believe in the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, Spiritual Gifts, and Deliverance, overwhelmingly most of them fall into the ditch on the other side of the road where they seek demonstrations of the spirit so desperately that they have left the doors wide open and other spirits have come in. In these churches you will often find lots of people laying hands on each other, lots of people speaking in tongues at the same time, constant "prophesies" (usually of great prosperity), manifestations of kundalini spirits, and a general spirit of chaos. This is terribly unfortunate! Of course one of Satan's tactics would include targeting the few churches who start out aiming to not quench the spirit. This comes from a good place, but lacks wisdom in application. At our church, we will not allow random people to lay hands on each other. Y'all can do that on your own time somewhere else. This does not mean that the rest of the church lacks authority to heal or cast out demons. Of course they do! Any true Christian has Jesus Christ inside them and has His authority over unclean spirits and sickness. But, if we do not know you very well, you are not welcome to lay hands on our congregation. We have a duty to protect the flock. The laying on of hands for healing at the church should be done by the elders of the church. We will not encourage or allow chaotic tongues to be spoken (remember not more than 2 or 3, and not without interpretation right?). This does not mean we are quenching The Spirit. It means we are quenching deceiving spirits that would attempt to counterfeit the real gift of tongues, in order to speak curses and get people to open themselves up to demons. Of course, the Lord can come in such a powerful way that we are all completely slain in the spirit, but this will likely be a beautiful, unique, and rare experience, not an every Sunday hype session. We will also not participate in frequent mass deliverance sessions (unless specifically ordered to by God), because if a demon is cast out and comes back and finds his home swept and garnished, he comes back with 7 evil spirits more powerful than himself and the latter condition is worse than the first for the person. No, instead, in most situations Deliverance should be handled with discretion, after much prayer, counseling, fasting, and confidence from leadership that the person seeking deliverance is truly born again, truly repenting of sins, fully committed to the warfare that will come after deliverance, and really willing to do all to stand. Satanists and witches actively infiltrate churches, lay hands on people, speak curses, and impart demons, but


We will not be passive. We will hurt feelings if we need to protect the flock. We will put people out of the church who habitually cause discord, who (if after multiple attempts from leadership to disciple have failed) make no efforts to repent of sins and continue to embrace a lifestyle of habitual sin, or who the Lord reveals through the gift of spiritual discernment or the gift of a word of knowledge to be true enemies of the church. There will be deep, passionate worship, people will be delivered of demons and set free, the Holy Spirit will not be quenched and the gifts of the spirit will sometimes be given according to God's will when it is needful for the church, but we are not in charge of when they are given, and we will not fake demonstrations of the Holy Spirit either.  There will be zero "fake it till you make it" at our church. Instead, we will humbly and diligently seek the Lord, while waiting on His timing for the distribution of His gifts. As the last days intensify, the miraculous will occur more often. Until then, true demonstrations of the miraculous through the Holy Spirit will be less frequent. Definitely not absent, but also not faked every week. 


Marriage is between one man and one woman

A man cannot marry a man. A woman cannot marry a woman. You can call it that, and your state may even agree with you, but God doesn't. Marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman. A man also cannot really have more than one wife at the same time. He just has one wife and several adulterous relationships. Polygamy and any institution that condones it is wicked. Marriage is the most beautiful gift and our little foreshadowing to understand the union we will have with God as His bride when He returns. He is a jealous God, and He doesn't tolerate adultery or idolatry with another god. Since our earthly marriages are designed to be similar, we are to wed ourselves to one adult of the opposite sex. The only biblical grounds for divorce are infidelity, or when extreme abuse or threat to life exist. We need to work everything else out. Of course if any sin is in your past, including adultery or unbiblical divorce, God is not done with you! We will expect you to repent of those sins like any other, and encourage you to break off the curses that may have come with those sins, including any demonic oppression. The Lord wants to set you free and wants you to have a truly blessed and intimate relationship with your spouse now, and with Him for all of eternity. Keep your bed holy. Keep your marriage sacred.  It's one of our highest and greatest callings as Christians. 


There are two genders

This poor confused world in which we find ourselves has lost its way terribly. Of course, as the last days worsen, evil will increasingly be called good, and good will be called evil. Truth has been and is increasingly called lies, and lies are increasingly called truth. There is a spirit of confusion that is unfortunately spreading across the world, and especially in the United States, that is telling people that there is an unlimited number of genders and sexual orientations. We lovingly reject all of this. We have compassion on those tormented souls who believe they are trapped in the wrong body, or who feel oppressed by the true definitions of gender and holy expectations regarding sexuality found in the Bible. While we love everyone and have compassion for everyone who is suffering, we cannot condone sin, nor perpetuate lies. We will stand for the truth that God created men and women. That's it. And the only acceptable form of sexual expression is in the context of true marriage as defined in our last section. Emotional and intellectual manipulation through social programming and mass mind control techniques, opposite sex DNA in vaccines, hormonal abnormalities caused by poison in our food, water, and air, and demonic oppression from opposite sex spirits are what is causing all of this confusion. We will love and support those who are under these attacks, but we will not give an inch of agreement to their confusion. Instead, we will help them to get free in Jesus' name!


The last of the last days 

Technically, as soon as Jesus ascended into heaven after his resurrection, this world entered the last days. We believe we are in the last of the last days. As such, we are going to preach on the end times more than your typical church. Most churches are either afraid to teach on the end times because they don't want to scare people away, they lack understanding of the revelations given and the correct interpretations that are coming to those paying attention in this season, or they just have a false opinion that their time is best spent getting lukewarm people to half-heartedly mumble an insincere prayer asking for fire insurance. We know that we are in the last of the last days and believe that the Lord wants His church to be as prepared as they can be to face what is coming. We believe in our lifetime, and probably very soon, the anti-Christ's one-world beast system will be implemented, and the mark of the beast will be required to buy or sell. It will soon be like it was in the days of Noah, and in the days of Lot. The spirits of communism and lawlessness are going to continue to grow in strength until the world descends into chaos. From that chaos, a literal physical man will come into power through promises of peace, but terrible destruction will follow soon after which will include the martyrdom of most of those who refuse to worship him. There will be lots of false signs and false miracles in the coming days, and most people will be under the spell of the strong delusion. We will do our best to keep oil in our lamps, draw close to Jesus, resist this coming beast system, expose deceptions, and preach the gospel so that we can play our role in the great end time harvest, when many either return to their faith in Jesus, or find Him for the first time. There will be an end time apostasy, where many who claim to be Christians now renounce their faith, but at the same time, there will also be a true revival, greater than the world has ever seen! As darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness worse than anything the world has ever seen covers the people, the glory of God Almighty will shine brighter than ever through those who belong to Him! He will pour out His spirit on all flesh! Our sons and daughters will prophesy, our old men will dream dreams and our young men will see visions. Miracles will occur. His grace will be sufficient for those who truly love Him to endure every test and trial during that season. His name will be glorified, and every knee will bow to Him. Every eye will see Him when He rolls the firmament back like a scroll and comes from the sky above us on a white horse, eyes like fire, hair white like wool, and feet like molten brass, with a sword coming from His mouth to slay the wicked. Yes, we are here for all of it, and we are called up to the marriage supper of the Lamb at the very last day.  


The rapture of the Church

We reject the pre-tribulation rapture as a terrible misinterpretation of scripture, a division among the brethren, and a false hope that is causing most of the church to remain ignorantly unprepared for the days which are coming. We will continue to teach the plain truth that is easily shown throughout scripture that we are here through all of the last days, and that the "rapture" (or the calling up of the saints in the twinkling of an eye to the marriage supper of the Lamb) occurs at the very last day. This doesn't mean that the church will suffer from every plague and every hardship of those days in the same way that the wicked do, but we are called to be a light to them during that time, and we are called to do our best to endure until the end. This means we will need to exercise faith to refuse the mark of the beast, either accepting martyrdom, or having the faith to trust that Jesus will provide for our needs when we can't buy or sell. There will be some who think they won't be here during those days, whose hearts fail them for fear because they aren't prepared for the wickedness that is coming. We will do our best to expose every lie and deception of the enemy during these last days, and encourage true Christians to do all to stand through God's grace and His power, to complete each individual race set before us until the final moment that He calls us home, or, for those who make it that far, when He comes back to collect the few remaining who survived. No matter which fate He has planned for you, we will face those days, those temptations, and those trials, with faith and courage, and we will reject the fear of this world and the cowardice that will cripple so many. 


The millennial reign of Jesus Christ

After the Great Tribulation, Jesus Christ will reign here on earth in His physical body for 1000 years. During this time, Satan will be shut up and sealed in the bottomless pit. At the end of the 1000 years, he is loosed again for a very short season where he is allowed to tempt those on earth one last time to rebel against Jesus. This is the final sorting that occurs between those who truly love Jesus and will continue to love and serve Him faithfully for all of eternity, from those who reject His lordship (who prefer their own wickedness to righteousness). The resistance to His Kingdom is very short lived, and the final war is over quickly. At the end of the 1000 years, there will be a new heaven and a new earth.



There are two judgements which will occur. The judgement of the righteous and the judgement of the wicked.  The Judgement Seat of Christ takes place after the rapture but before the millennial reign and is when the righteous are judged according to their works, not to determine salvation, (because that is already determined by who is covered in His blood, but to distribute crowns of righteousness, to determine positions and assignments going into the millennial reign, and eternal treasures. The Great White Throne judgement occurs at the end of the 1000 year millennial reign, before the new heaven and earth are instituted. This is where the books are opened and the dead are judged according to their works. Those whose names are not found in the book of life are cast into the lake of fire with all of hell and Satan, where the smoke of their torment will rise forever and ever, amen.     



Billions and billions of years only representing a single grain of sand in the Sahara desert is still a pathetic understatement when attempting to understand eternity. Is hell the same as the lake of fire? No. Hell is a place on earth far below us where the wicked wait with no water in the presence of the tormenters, awaiting judgement. At the Great White Throne judgement however, Hell and all of its inhabitants are cast into the lake of fire for all of eternity. They are given bodies that can somehow endure this torture forever. If you are not saved, there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, and an unfathomable agony as you are forever separated from God with no hope. If you are truly saved by the blood of Jesus and the word of your testimony, you will also live forever, but you will eat freely of the tree of life.  For the true Christian then, there is no more pain and no more tears. No mind can fathom the depth of love or the plans the Father has for us, and the pleasures we will enjoy with Him forevermore. Nobody is disintegrated. Nobody ceases to exist. You are either welcomed into His courts with thanksgiving and praise, or you unfortunately will suffer forever, having foolishly and needlessly rejected the free gift of salvation and the love of your creator, the One who loved you infinitely more and more perfectly than anyone else ever could, all for some temporary earthly pleasure and a hardness of heart that insisted you would be God, instead of humbling yourself before the Alpha and Omega, the Great I AM, the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and truly asking for forgiveness. 


Focus on Philippians 4:8, and 1 Thessalonians 5

Due to the weakness of our flesh, it would be easy to become overwhelmed with terrible concern, grief, fear, and discouragement when we consider the true state of most of the world, and the persecution and judgement to come. We do not welcome those spirits, in fact we bind them and command them to leave us in Jesus' name! We will always do our best to be led by the Holy Spirit, seeking His anointing and praying diligently about how much of the world to acknowledge and share in teachings to accomplish our mission of equipping the remnant saints. We definitely do not need to be ignorant to Satan's devices, but we also cannot focus entirely on the temporary victories he thinks he is achieving before he is thrown into the lake of fire. We will use discretion in our services to limit the darkness we ask you to mentally process, while still thoroughly shining enough light on the enemy to expose his tactics so you are prepared to overcome him. While some of the topics we cover will be heavy, and increasingly so as the world around us gets darker, we will do our best to focus on things that are: true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy! The wisdom to find the degree to which we should study darkness, in order to not be ignorant to Satan's devices, while still being able to: rejoice ever more, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all things, quench not the spirit, despise not prophesyings, prove all things and hold fast to that which is good, abstain from all appearance of evil, and be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is given to us in 1 Thessalonians 5. We will continue to ask the Lord to refine us and mature us in this most noble of endeavors, and will do our best to help you do the same. We will watch and be sober. We will comfort ourselves together, and edify one another! We will put on the breastplate of faith and love, and wear the hope of salvation for a helmet. We hope you will join us and do the same!


Are y'all crazy?

Nope! We're actually just a delightful little blend of enthusiasm and joy mixed with wisdom, Godly reverence, and a vehement commitment of obedience to the Holy Spirit. Deep calls to deep... we have simply answered the call to go deeper than many, without caring what this wicked world thinks. We know that our "We Believe" section is a little intense and can be overwhelming for some, especially those new to the Christian faith. Rather than being brief and vague or trying to "hide our crazy", we're putting it out there boldly! The world desperately needs more true churches and bold leadership to step up. The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few! So, we're stepping forward in obedience to the Lord's calling to start this I Am Well church here in Northwest Arkansas. But this isn't going to be your regular, milk-fed, watered down, typical, superficial church. We serve meat! We will do our best to love each other deeply and to serve each other sacrificially. We will do our best to laugh and have fun as the fruit of the spirit grows from our sincere faith. But we know that we are at war against the most sinister, sincere, committed, and capable of enemies, so we can't be passive. We also know there may be many Christians who consider themselves mature in their faith, who have walked with the Lord for many seasons who find some of our stated beliefs here to be confusing and somewhat off-putting. We understand! We also spent years in churches that didn't teach on the whole Bible. That is part of why we are so passionate about preaching the whole counsel of God! We hope you will pray about every single point we have made here, and we hope you will ask the Lord to lead you to all truth regarding these points in scripture. We will of course teach on all of these points and more, with tons of scripture references in our Sunday sermons, but you need to study to show yourself approved too, so we hope to encourage you to pick up your Bible more often. We hope you will begin to read more of the Bible, and to process most of it as literal in your studies! We hope you will come along and join us in our little contribution to the resistance of the coming beast government, and trust that those who do will experience the glory of the Lord in indescribably beautiful and powerful ways, as He is glorified, and we earn honor with our persistence, courage, and endurance, through the grace of our Lord Jesus. Are you ready to go deeper and have your faith come alive in a new way? Then, pray about it and come visit, or at least check out a few of our sermons online!


Godspeed to the true remnant!

No matter what comes your way, be strong and courageous! The Lord your God is with you wherever you go! We hope to join you in fellowship and in worshipping our King together soon! Until then, stay well and be blessed! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you! Amen     



Additional topics: 


Mask mandates and vaccine mandates violate our sincerely held religious beliefs, and our legal rights

It's unfortunate that we need to include this section. When the world lost it's mind during the Covid19 pandemic, we saw many institutions violating mankind's God given right to breath air. These violations presented themselves in the form of mask mandates. We saw that masks became mandatory in order to go to work, shop, eat at restaurants, go to concerts, play sports, etc. basically in order to leave your house you were expected (and in some places threatened with arrest) to wear a mask that covers your face, hides your identity, restricts the flow of oxygen inside your body, restricts the exhaling of poisonous carbon dioxide from your body, prevents social interaction and facial expressions, and literally muzzles your voice so that your voice can't be heard.  We reject all of this. We also reject any vaccine mandate. During the Covid19 pandemic, pharmaceutical companies made record profits selling experimental, DNA altering injections, some of which not only alter your DNA, but include aborted fetal cells, deadly metals, and poisonous chemicals. These did not pass any safety testing and were not approved by the FDA, yet sadly most major corporations required this experimental medical procedure in order to maintain employment. Valiant members of our armed services were forced to receive this experimental drug, and now there is sufficient evidence suggesting that many injuries and deaths were the direct result of this human rights violation. We are created in the image of God. When we were created, He formed us from clay and breathed His breath inside us to give us life (see Genesis 2:7). There are even some scholars who believe that the correct pronunciation for YHVH is actually just the sound of us breathing in and out. In this sense, we are dependent upon speaking the name of the Lord God Almighty for life. A mask violates this natural, beautiful, and holy process. We are also fearfully and wonderfully made (see Psalm 139:14) in God's image (see Genesis 1:27) perfectly by design, and any attempt to alter the DNA that was given to us by God we believe is forbidden and should be resisted at all costs. We also believe that the mark of the beast damns a soul to hell for all of eternity, so any injection, tattoo, rfid chip, brain chip, or any other form of technology that could be inserted, scratched, etched, or otherwise attached to a person and mandated to buy or sell must also be resisted in order to go to heaven (see Revelation 13:16-17 & Revelation 14:9-11). In addition to our sincerely held religious beliefs, mask and vaccine mandates, and forced closures of churches, are violations of our constitutionally protected rights as citizens of the Unites States of America, violations of the Civil Rights Act, and violations of the Geneva Convention. The first amendment protects our rights to free speech and our rights to gather peacefully. The Civil Rights Act prevents discrimination, including discriminations based on religion. The Geneva Convention prevents any medical testing of prisoners of war. We consider it an act of treason and an act of war to threaten an entire country with mask and vaccine mandates for all the reasons we mentioned above, and it's also clear that several forms of imprisonment were implemented against those who did not comply. On top of all of this, legally and ethically a medical patient must be able to give "informed consent" to receive any medical treatment. It is literally impossible to be informed about the dangers and risks of wearing a mask without studies and receiving an experimental injection where the package inserts were blank, there were no double-blind studies done, and there isn't any data to base one's decision on. In addition to all of this, the entire field of virology is based upon "Germ Theory". "Virus" is too small to see under an optical microscope, so the entire conversation about "viruses" is a theory, not a scientific fact. For all of these religious, medical, scientific, ethical, and legal reasons, we vehemently reject any mask, vaccine, or any other kind of medical mandate.


Churches should not be 501c3 corporations

Since we are blessed to reside in the United States of America, and our constitution is still somewhat hanging on with some legal authority, there is still presently a separation of church and state. "Church" is its own separate legal definition, distinct from any other thing. A "church" is not and should not be registered as a non-profit corporation, even though it is indeed a non-profit charitable entity. Ignorance and deception have caused a terrible amount of pastors to effectively create corporations with 501c3 status, instead of creating constitutionally protected churches. This means most "churches" today are in fear of losing their 501c3 status and effectively being shut down if they speak out against the government. A REAL CHURCH IS NOT/ CANNOT BE/ SHOULD NOT BE a 501C3, and therefore, we are not 501c3. We are still registered with the IRS as a CHURCH with a legitimate EIN, so your donations are still tax deductible, but as some in the government continue to rig elections and place Luciferian New World Order agents in place to further erode our freedoms, weaken our economy, escalate wars, and produce famines in order to destroy this amazing country that we love, our CHURCH will be in a unique position to speak against all of the lunacy, offering a voice of reason, hope, and truth, pointing to THE TRUTH of the Lord Jesus Christ as the last days worsen. This does not mean we think every church that is registered as 501c3 is evil or anything like that, just that most church planters have been misled and trapped through ignorance of constitutional law. 


We bless the United States of America

In spite of all its sins, failures, and bad actors, the United States of America is still the best country in the world, and God has blessed her and used her in this age of the gentiles to preach the gospel to all nations powerfully. We love and honor our country, and will protect her against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. We know that judgement is coming, and believe there will be many ~safe/ safer places of refuge in America for the true remnant in the last days, one of which being here in Northwest Arkansas. Thank you Father for this blessed land and the precious gift of freedom we have all enjoyed and taken for granted! God please continue to bless, protect, and pour out Your favor on the United States of America! In Jesus' name!


We pursue wellness

We're not called I Am Well church for nothing! Everything isn't going to be perfect until Jesus comes back, and we will never manifest perfect health in these corrupted bodies through any set of decisions and actions, no matter how wise and diligent. But! We still have a responsibility to steward the vessels given to us with integrity, excellence, and honor, to the highest degree we are able. The vessels which are our physical bodies are more than just a container for our spirit and soul, the body of a born-again believer in Jesus Christ is the holy temple of God Almighty! Some wisdom and a whole lot of discipline and effort is required to push the snowball uphill toward order and away from chaos, and a little bit of trial and error and a whole lot of diligence is required to learn how to "pour into your wellness cups" to accurately and responsibly manage the life God has called you to, but the effort is worthwhile, and the degree to which you understand who you were called to be, your role in creating that, and the correct combination of habits and sequence of choices will determine the amount of utility present to you and the tasks you are able to complete. A full, truly well life is able to pour more into the lives of others. Obviously eternity with Jesus is most important, and the spiritual component of wellness is ultimately the most important. But most of the church understands that truth, and then believes lying, gluttonous, lazy spirits and allows themselves to be placed in different types of bondage as their other wellness components become damaged and their "wellness cups" become broken and dry. We will always focus primarily on the gospel of Jesus Christ, on repentance, deliverance, and healing. But a critical factor in determining the degree to which you are able to "do all to stand" is your level of wellness. So we will also try to work in some wellness teachings and some accountability to encourage you to do what it takes for you and your family to be well. We will continue to do our best to help you be well physically, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, occupationally, socially, and environmentally! This world and the principalities of darkness are strategic about attacking each area of your wellness, so we will be strategic about exposing their attacks and fighting back accordingly. As things worsen in the world around us, as pestilences and famines increase, and our health is targeted by those who want to kill and enslave humanity, we hope you will join us in boldly declaring, "I AM WELL!!!" Our logo and this statement not only points to the truth that the Great I AM sits on top of the firmament with the Earth as his footstool, our logo and the statement, "I AM WELL" is the most powerful blessing and declaration of truth you can speak over yourself. Declaring "I AM WELL" effectively breaks every curse spoken against you!  Stand up tall right now, jump a time or two, lift your hands up in the air in true worship and praise to the most High, and declare with enthusiasm, courage, and faith, "I AM WELL!" Then choose to have faith and live your life knowing that it is true, that you are healed in Jesus' name of every disease, and victorious against every attack of the enemy! One more time boldly with me, say it loud... "I AM WELL!!!"   


A message to members of secret societies 

There are too many groups to list them all, but you know who you are. The freemasons, Satanists, witches, and even some members of our military, law enforcement, medical communities and intelligence agencies... anyone who takes an oath and operates covertly. Some of you are trying to do good, and some of you are trying to do evil. If you have taken an oath or made a covenant, you have already cursed yourself. Especially those who have uttered oaths that list horrendous penalties for being disloyal to your gang. Some of you have even been willing to sell your souls and use your children as collateral to move higher in rank. We know that at least some of you were lured into these organizations with the best of intentions to do good with the power you hoped to achieve, and you may even do lots of good in many ways for the community. But deep down you know there is something evil controlling those higher than you. Get out while you still have a conscience! Get out while the Lord is still calling you to repentance before you are turned over to a reprobate heart! We know you have seen your gang do horrible things to others, and you feel trapped by fear. There are countless testimonies of people who realized they got into something they didn't want, turned to Jesus Christ, trusted in Him for the forgiveness of their sins, loved not their lives, even if it meant death, and then He protected them against all odds and delivered them from the evil clutches of the demons and people with whom they formerly associated! Lower level Freemasons, Albert Pike admitted in Morals and Dogma that they lie to the recruits and slowly increase the curses they put on you as you level up. They will continue to brainwash you until you begin to believe the lie that Satan and Lucifer are not the same person. They will try to convince you that God is oppressive and Lucifer is the light bearer who is trying to save humanity.  But once you make it all the way to the top, you will finally realize the truth, that Lucifer and Satan are one and the same, that He is evil and that he hates humanity. The question is, by then will you agree with him and team up with him to destroy humanity, or will there be enough conscience left in your soul for you to finally find the courage to stand against the gang and the prince of the air who masquerades as an angel of light? Satanists and witches, y'all are in a whole other group. You know you are on the side of the devil. We're going to warn you right now... as tempting as it may be to attack this ministry with your spells, seances, rituals, and sacrifices, don't. This ministry is a true church with a warrior anointing. The Lord says suffer not that a witch may live. We will only raise our physical hands in self defense, but we know your wicked little hearts will have to do what the demons are telling you to do with your spells, curses, and potions etc. We pray boldly in Jesus' name with authority that every curse you utter against us will be turned into a blessing for us, and that the full weight of your curse will come back on you!  Then you are going to have to deal with the fruit of your own curse in your life, plus the extreme punishment that Satan is going to have for your failure. It's going to be terribly miserable for you until your own crew murders you, if you continue down this path.  Or!!! You can pray right now to ask the Lord Jesus to reveal Himself to you, to show you His love and His mercy, and you can throw yourself down at His feet and worship Him!  Then you can finally have all of the love, power, peace, self-worth, and joy that you really always wanted!  Jesus is infinitely more powerful than Satan! He truly loves you!! He was thinking of you when He allowed Himself to be tortured and crucified. Then, He thought about you again when He rose from the dead and conquered sin and death! Satan has already been defeated! He is only allowed to participate in all of his shenanigans so the Lord can see who truly wants to be with Him for eternity. I promise you the grass truly is greener on the paradise side of the chasm! There's no water at all in hell!  Please don't go there! Even though you may think you hate us right now, it's just the demons speaking and confusing you. We love you and you will love us too! We forgive you! Get off the losing team while there is still time. Jesus can protect you if you trust Him and give your life to Him. And lastly, we will address the first responders and alphabet boys.  Men and women, thank you for what you do. Thank you for keeping our country safe. Thank you for your service and for all you sacrifice with your families for the sakes of those who don't even know you exist. We respect your efforts to resist chaos and evil. Just know that sadly, many of those most senior officials above you are actually servants of Satan. They have usurped the high positions of authority in all governments. A day will come when you will be asked to violate what you know is right in your heart and to violate the rights of peaceful Americans. The anti-Christ is coming into authority soon, and He will ultimately be the one giving you your commands. You will have a choice to make. Do I keep my oath to the constitution of the United States of America, to my patients, or to the citizens in my jurisdiction, which will require personal sacrifice and will likely result in great personal suffering, or do I bow my knee to the beast and choose to perpetuate evil on mankind for some temporary power and pleasure? We're not imploring that you make the right moral decision because we think it's going to somehow save the republic. No, we know prophesy must be fulfilled, and we know the ship must sink, but the important question you need to ask yourself is, "What does it profit a person to gain the entire world, and lose their eternal soul?" A couple of years of wicked pleasures are not worth spending eternity in the lake of fire friends. Most of you pride yourselves on being intelligent and courageous. Well, then we challenge you to actually do the harder assignment. Make the choice that requires real courage and is actually the smarter decision in the long run. Save your soul. Resist the beast and run to Jesus. Only He can save you. To all of you, we love you! If you take the first step to reach out and ask for help, we will do everything we can support you, but it has to be sincere. If you're lying the Lord will tell us and then you can go fish somewhere else. But if you really want out of the oaths and covenants you've made, we're here for you too. We're all wicked in our own flesh, and there is no one good on their own, no not one, save Jesus Christ. You can be washed clean again, literally transformed and given a fresh, clean, new heart, and when you stand before God, He will literally choose to forget your previous transgressions and will just see the righteousness of Jesus covering you. Or you can stay on the losing team and keep serving that pathetic legless pervert, aka that old serpent the devil, aka the lord of dung. It's your choice. We pray you choose wisely.

We Believe

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